Sunday, 22 April 2012

From Men - Ways to Win Over Their Friends

Buy a Round

"I was at a bar with my buddy and the girl I had just started seeing. She took a look at my drink and said, 'Looks like you need another.' Then she came back with a round of Guinness for the whole table. It scored big points with my friend—and with me. As a guy, you just don't get treated to a drink all that often." —Brian B.

Bring Back-Up

"Every summer, my friends and I rent a beach house for a weekend, and it gets pretty fratty—lots of drinking and shenanigans. When I brought a girl for the first time, she rolled with our jokes, stayed up late with us, and remained totally laid-back the whole time. But the truly clutch moment was when we went out and she told her hot single friends to meet up with us. That's when my guy friends were like, 'Dude, you should bring her around more often...'" 
—James S.

Dish It Back

"My girlfriend is a few years younger than me, so my friends would rip on her all the time for being so young. Once, when they were giving her a hard time, she asked one of the guys to grab her pacifier she had left in the back seat. Her deadpan deliver was flawless, and my friends loved it—we joke around with each other all the time, so it was proof that she could keep up." —Kyle J.

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