Tuesday 15 November 2011

Kim Kardashian is being sued

Kim Kardashian is being sued by for allegedly lying about how she got her hair-free body.
Radiant, the makers of no!no! hair, claim she is "deceiving the public" by promoting an at home laser hair removal product called TRIA.
Radiant has listed the many lies of Kim K in their lawsuit, which includes:
-Kim says she uses TRIA over her entire body, but Radiant maintains even TRIA says it's not safe for the face, head, ears, neck, nipples, genitals or anus
-Kim claims "You'll never need razors or shaving cream again", but TRIA's instructions note the product is supposed to be used in concert with shaving.
-Kim has said numerous times she's been getting professional hair removal treatments for more than a decade, so Radiant wants to know how she can possibly say TRIA is her secret.
Radiant wants the reality starlet to stop making all these false claims on top of unspecified damages.
So far, no comment from Kim, but since she just signed on to hawk the product for another 18 months, we doubt she cares.

1 comment:

  1. It's true that she did some mistakes, but they shouldn't judge her so rough...
    I'm sure she's not using Tria laser hair removal and that's why she said she had it done a decade ago:))

    Anyway, I would blame the one that chose Kim to promote this product, because it's clear she doesn't have the brains for this job....

    Julia, Skin Vitality Complaints
