Sunday 11 March 2012

Alaska's Loch Ness Monster Is Latest Alleged Sea Serpent Sighting

It has a horse-like head at the end of a long neck, with big eyes and humps on its back. It undulates above the surface for just a moment before diving back underwater -- leaving even the most seasoned sailors scratching their heads.
It sounds like any of the thousands of sea serpent stories, from Scotland's Loch Ness Monster to Lake Champlain's Champ. But this time there's video.
A remarkable piece of footage purportedly shot by a fisherman in Bristol Bay shows what many people believe is Alaska's version of the Loch Ness Monster.

The Cadborosaurus, like most sea serpents reported around the world, is categorized by scientists under the heading of cryptozoology, the study of animals not yet recognized by mainstream science, like the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot.
While Caddy has been written off by some as a shark, eel or whale, Leblond disagrees.
"It must be a mammal or a reptile, since it oscillates up and down in a vertical plain, which eliminates sideways-oscillating fish," he said.
Whether Caddy or its Scottish cousin, Nessie, are relatives or even real, remains to be seen -- at least until more compelling visual evidence is presented. Or one of these beasts is actually captured.

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